The Institute of Archaeomythology

The Institute of Archaeomythology is an international organization of scholars dedicated to fostering an interdisciplinary approach to cultural research with particular emphasis on the beliefs, rituals, social structure and symbolism of past and present societies. The Institute encourages dialogue among specialists from diverse fields by sponsoring international symposia, by publishing collected papers and monographs, and by promoting creative collaboration within an atmosphere of mutual support. We welcome your interest and participation.

News & Updates

Marija Gimbutas’ 100th birthday – January 23, 2021 

Gimbutas is recognized by UNESCO as one of the eminent personalities who have “helped shape the civilization we share by contributing to the mutual enrichment of cultures for universal understanding and peace.”
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“Marija Rediviva: DNA and Indo-European Origins.”

His message: DNA evidence proves Marija’s Kurgan Hypothesis!
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The JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOMYTHOLOGY is available on an OPEN ACCESS basis. All issues of the Journal are freely available to members and non-members alike.

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The Journal of Archaeomythology has been published on a semi-yearly basis since 2005.

Associate News

Dialogues and publications by HARALD HAARMANN

The prolific linguist and cultural scientist HARALD HAARMANN continues to produce a broad range of publications that have special significance within the field of Archaeomythology.  Dr Haarmann is … [Read More...]